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Lemon Lavender

Lemon Lavender

Antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Cleansing agent that purges the skin from dirt, sweat and excess sebum. Promotes moisture in the skin, repairs the skin that was damaged by acne and scars. Beneficial to acne-prone skin. Softens the skin and boosts collagen and elastin. Has Vitamin E and is infused with real, fresh Lavender and Lemon peels. 
  • Product Info

    Olive Oil, Castor Oil, Coconut Oil,  Fresh scent of Lemon Essential oil and Lavender Essential oil. Product weighs between 4.9-5.5oz

    *Allergy Information: Contains coconut*

  • How to Care for Your Soap

    In effort to extend the life of your NATURE handmade soap the best way possible, use a draining dish (preferably Essential Essence) that will keep your soap dry. Also store in a cool, dry place. 

    *Please see Disclaimer under Important Information*

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